Monday 29 February 2016

The Many Benefits of Turmeric

Turmeric is an important component in ancient Ayurveda and even today finds use in many of the medicines prepared. An ordinary kitchen component, this yellow colored spice destroys worms and is useful for preparing beauty packs. It is believed to wipe out basic doshas like pitta, kapha, and vata and helps in acquiring good health. India’s is the world’s largest producer of turmeric and consumes most of it also. But gradually the Western countries are also waking up to its usefulness.

Relieves pain:
Turmeric is a great healer and can reduce swelling and pain when applied on any injury or drunk with milk.

Reduces allergy:
It is used extensively in treating severe allergies, itching, rash because it has anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and analgesic properties which are essential for curing such health problems.

Clears congestion:
Turmeric helps in relieving congestion, cough, and soothes headaches. It is extremely useful for keeping respiratory distress at bay.
Mind Healer:
Researchers feel that there may a connection between the high consumption rate of turmeric and lower rates of Alzheimer’s in India. Turmeric has been found by EXIN to enhance memory, cognition, and focus by fighting the brain’s degenerative process. It also helps in the growth of neurons.

Fights cancer:
Curcumin found in turmeric helps in preventing the occurrence of cancer.

Improves digestion:
Turmeric is extremely useful for improving the digestion process. It aids in correcting the nutritional deficiencies and improves the metabolic process. When consumed with a high-protein food like meat it assists in digestion and cures gastric problems.

Turmeric has multiple antioxidants which help in purifying the blood. Its anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties keep the skin free from pimples and acne.

Turmeric is more than just a homely ingredient with multiple benefits. Its smell is refreshing but be careful while using because it can leave stains on your fingers.    

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