Wednesday 30 March 2016

Ayurvedic Treatment For Better Blood Circulation

Proper blood circulation is essential for the transportation of nutrients, wastes, oxygen and carbon dioxide and hormones. Blood circulation disorders can cause organs to fail and the body to shut down. There are various types of circulation disorders including arteriosclerosis, atherosclerosis, varicose veins, hyper-tension. EXIN Yogi Herbals brings for you the benefit of Ayurveda in better blood circulation.
Ayurveda is one of the oldest holistic approaches to medicine, originating in India thousands of years ago. Certain herbs used in Ayurvedic medicine can be helpful in improving circulation. Herbs can produce side effects, so regardless of which school of medicine you choose, consult your health practitioner before using them.
Amalaki is used for overall toning and good health. It assists in rebuilding new tissues and increase red cell count. Arjuna is used as a heart tonic to strengthen the heart and cardiac system and to relieve certain cardiac conditions including lowering of the blood pressure and the heart rate. Punarnavadi Guggulu is frequently used to reduce fluid retention in the body, restore kidney function and improve elimination. It is known for its ability to reduce edema and fluids trapped in tissues.
Arjuna, Bala and hawthorn berry helps to stimulate circulation, improve blood flow and oxygenation, and to strengthen the entire cardiac system. Rumalaya includes Guggul and Boswellia which improve circulation and flexibility in the joints.
Ashwagandha is another important herb for blood circulation. It is an excellent supplement for heart muscles and maintains normal blood circulatory flow. It is beneficial for those suffering from hyper-tension as it also helps to relieve stress, and strengthens the nervous system. 
Abana is a herbal blend that contains over 40 herbs and minerals for maintaining a healthy heart, normal blood pressure and normal blood circulation. This potent herbal blend contains herbs like Arjuna, Guggul, Ashwagandha, Shilajit, Ginger, Indian long pepper, Holy Basil, Amalaki and others that help strengthen heart muscles, maintain blood pressure and normal cholesterol levels.

But one must remember that along with these, one must refrain from smoking, exercise daily and meditate to stay away from stress.

Monday 28 March 2016

Wheat sprouts juice: the elixir to healthy life!!

At Yogi Herbals, we always emphasize upon wellbeing and good health. Therefore, today at Yogi Herbals we present the benefits of a lesser known organic element- Wheat sprouts juice or Wheat grass juice.

Wheat sprouts juice is famous for its natural therapeutic essentials and the effectiveness against cancer. Drinking wheat grass juice helps the body to make more red blood leading the body to get more oxygen in every cell.

It is said that an ounce of wheatgrass juice is equivalent of five pounds of narturl, organic vegetables. One ounce of wheatgrass juice can compare in vitamins, minerals and amino acids to be in that 2 ½ pounds of green leafy vegetables. Wheat grass is one of the richest sources of vitamin A, B complex, B-17, C, E and K. It is also one of the best sources of calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, cobalt, zinc, sulfur and 17 other forms of amino acids and enzymes.

Apart from its high nutritional values, wheat grass juice is very effective in building muscle tissue, repairing cells, and clean the blood clots.  It is also a dietary supplement Helps increase the level of enzymes in our cells, helping to improve the metabolism of nutrients in the body, these enzymes help to dissolve tumors. Popular among the health concerned people, wheat grass detoxifies the system and helps to fight infections. It purifies the liver, colon and lowers blood pressure.

One can have a glass fullof whetgrass by germinating the seeds of wheat. Put Wheat seeds put in clean water for 24 hours, then put on prepared soil and cover with a damp cloth.  Water a few times a day to prevent drying, when the buds are 1 cm to 2 cm exposed to light is accomplished in 10 days growth of 10 cm to 15 cm. Ground the whole wheat and grind. Squeeze and take the elixir of life. 

Start with just one ounce of wheatgrass daily. A therapeutic program may include two or three ounces, take part preferably in the morning before breakfast, other times do it before each meal. It is important to the chlorophylls not going after 20 minutes of being extracted their juices. And get healed before you are sick!


Monday 21 March 2016

Improve Eyesight With The Help Of Ayurveda

Our eyes work in the manner of a camera. They focus the light from the external source on the retina of the eye. The lens, pupil, and optic nerve all work in coordination to create this image. The disorders in any of these or the lack of coordination in any of these can lead to weakness in eye sight. 
Many people in the world are suffering from the diseases such as Myopia and Hyperopia; as a result they are forced to use glasses. Yogi Herbals brings for you some Ayurvedic home treatments to follow to take care of your eyesight.
There are various methods in Ayurveda to improve eyesight. If proper care for eye is not taken, it can result into various eye conditions such as age related macular degeneration and cataracts, which is a leading cause of blindness in the world. 
The Ayurvedic name for defective eyesight is ‘Drishti Dosha’. ‘Alochaka Pitta’ is responsible for maintaining eyesight and it weakens with age.
Consuming good amount of apple and grapes helps in improving your eyesight
Addition of spinach in your diet is beneficial. It purifies your blood, increases the hemoglobin and improves your eyesight. Turnip, fresh milk, cheese, butter, tomatoes, lettuce, cabbage, soya beans, green peas, oranges and dates are good source of vitamin A and they should be included in your diet.
‘Triphala’ is the magic of Ayurveda; it is the best combination of three herbal fruits. ‘Triphala’ has very effective to treat from ‘Tridosha’ (vata, pitta and kapha) and even also it has been very effective to cure eyesight weakness, eye disorders and hair problems. To improve your eyesight, you have to wash your eyes with ‘triphala’ water. Put or soak a teaspoon ‘triphala’ powder into a glass of water and leave it overnight. Next morning, fitter this water and wash your eyes with this water. You can also keep fresh water in your mouth when washing your eyes with ‘triphala’ water to getting tremendous improvements within a month. 
Use this method on a regular basis, that is, once in a day, to get noticeable improvements in your eyesight.
You can also drink fresh ‘amla’ juice with honey daily morning, or you can take a teaspoon of amla powder with water at night before sleeping. ‘Amla’ is the best tonic to stay healthy and to improve your eyesight fast.
Walking is a very important activity for human beings — it should be included in your daily routine. Walking barefoot on green grass does wonders for your eyesight.
Finally, the most important measure — Get adequate sleep — it is necessary to give some rest to eyes.
So, without spending a ton of money at a clinic, your eyesight can improve to tremendous lengths with the above mentioned Ayurvedic treatments, and the best part is that they come with no side-effects. 

Friday 18 March 2016

Fighting Dental Problems with Ayurveda

Today many among us, especially the kids, suffer from dental problems. Cavities, pain, tooth decay, tooth bleeding are the very common problems that we suffer from, but pay little attention to this before the problem takes place.

Dental problem is an oral health condition that can be damaged more if we continue to take processed, sugary and starch-based foods. These foods hurts the teeth, damages the external enamel and the tooth heath too.  
Apart from brushing your teeth properly, there are few other remedies too that can create magic to solve the dental problems. Clove and clove oil, neem, salt, amla and turmeric are the few domestic and herbal remedies that can take good care of you oral health. Using sesame seed, chewing licorice root, edible camphor and triphala are the useful remedies that directly start its action in the affected area.

A healthy food habit is the worst thing. The habit starts damaging your body from the oral area and continues to affect everything. A healthy diet, cleanliness, hygiene and balanced lifestyle are a must, whatever you choose to do.

Friday 4 March 2016

Get The Best Of Hair Care With Herbal Treatment!!

Split ends, dry hair, excessive oily hair or dandruff--- problems that every person meets. And if you are a bit of self styling conscious, these problems are your worst dreams. But if you have bad hair, we have the solution too. Don’t worry; these are the simple and most effective ways to care for your hair.

A deep conditioning is the best method to protect your hair and combat all the hair problems. Use yogurt, egg yolk, honey and saffron to make a hair pack. Wash well and see the magic in your locks!!

Onion and lemon juice is the best to get remedy for dandruff. A lesser known use of black pepper mixed with milk and lime juice offers you visible differences.
Use oil. We recommend oiling your scalp and root of hair regularly to prevent most of the problems. Before oiling your hair, mix it with 4-6 almonds and steam the concoction. Use the warm mixture.  Tortured and roughly styled hair will get back its luster, moisture and softness.

Aloe vera being a very good hair mask uses the gel with water and essential oil. Apply in hair and leave for 30 minutes. The naturally drawn pack will help to control frizz and acts like a natural barrier to protect from torments.
Amla and Tulsi mixed with yoghurt are remedy to dandruff, conditioning and frizz. Youghurt is a natural conditioner. Amla is the natural cleanser and tulsi works as antibiotic. Calendula, fenugreek and hibiscus are few other naturally vitamin enriched herbs for hair growth and hair health. You can easily use henna pack to give the natural color to your locks without damaging them. Henna works as a conditioner too.

Using these herbal solutions in a regular manner is effective in all means. The herbs have the capacity to thicken your hair and make them look and feel conditioned. The herbs can also make your hair grow, be in a good health and prevent from all the turmoil of pollution, coloring and damage.