Friday 18 March 2016

Fighting Dental Problems with Ayurveda

Today many among us, especially the kids, suffer from dental problems. Cavities, pain, tooth decay, tooth bleeding are the very common problems that we suffer from, but pay little attention to this before the problem takes place.

Dental problem is an oral health condition that can be damaged more if we continue to take processed, sugary and starch-based foods. These foods hurts the teeth, damages the external enamel and the tooth heath too.  
Apart from brushing your teeth properly, there are few other remedies too that can create magic to solve the dental problems. Clove and clove oil, neem, salt, amla and turmeric are the few domestic and herbal remedies that can take good care of you oral health. Using sesame seed, chewing licorice root, edible camphor and triphala are the useful remedies that directly start its action in the affected area.

A healthy food habit is the worst thing. The habit starts damaging your body from the oral area and continues to affect everything. A healthy diet, cleanliness, hygiene and balanced lifestyle are a must, whatever you choose to do.

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