Monday 21 March 2016

Improve Eyesight With The Help Of Ayurveda

Our eyes work in the manner of a camera. They focus the light from the external source on the retina of the eye. The lens, pupil, and optic nerve all work in coordination to create this image. The disorders in any of these or the lack of coordination in any of these can lead to weakness in eye sight. 
Many people in the world are suffering from the diseases such as Myopia and Hyperopia; as a result they are forced to use glasses. Yogi Herbals brings for you some Ayurvedic home treatments to follow to take care of your eyesight.
There are various methods in Ayurveda to improve eyesight. If proper care for eye is not taken, it can result into various eye conditions such as age related macular degeneration and cataracts, which is a leading cause of blindness in the world. 
The Ayurvedic name for defective eyesight is ‘Drishti Dosha’. ‘Alochaka Pitta’ is responsible for maintaining eyesight and it weakens with age.
Consuming good amount of apple and grapes helps in improving your eyesight
Addition of spinach in your diet is beneficial. It purifies your blood, increases the hemoglobin and improves your eyesight. Turnip, fresh milk, cheese, butter, tomatoes, lettuce, cabbage, soya beans, green peas, oranges and dates are good source of vitamin A and they should be included in your diet.
‘Triphala’ is the magic of Ayurveda; it is the best combination of three herbal fruits. ‘Triphala’ has very effective to treat from ‘Tridosha’ (vata, pitta and kapha) and even also it has been very effective to cure eyesight weakness, eye disorders and hair problems. To improve your eyesight, you have to wash your eyes with ‘triphala’ water. Put or soak a teaspoon ‘triphala’ powder into a glass of water and leave it overnight. Next morning, fitter this water and wash your eyes with this water. You can also keep fresh water in your mouth when washing your eyes with ‘triphala’ water to getting tremendous improvements within a month. 
Use this method on a regular basis, that is, once in a day, to get noticeable improvements in your eyesight.
You can also drink fresh ‘amla’ juice with honey daily morning, or you can take a teaspoon of amla powder with water at night before sleeping. ‘Amla’ is the best tonic to stay healthy and to improve your eyesight fast.
Walking is a very important activity for human beings — it should be included in your daily routine. Walking barefoot on green grass does wonders for your eyesight.
Finally, the most important measure — Get adequate sleep — it is necessary to give some rest to eyes.
So, without spending a ton of money at a clinic, your eyesight can improve to tremendous lengths with the above mentioned Ayurvedic treatments, and the best part is that they come with no side-effects. 

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