Thursday 28 April 2016

Ginger- Mother Nature’s Spicy Wonder

In Yogi Herbals, today the conversation is all about ginger, a magical spice that words will fall short to describe all its qualities.  

Ginger- well known for its medicinal qualities can be used to gain therapeutic and culinary benefits too. Often termed as a ‘wonder spice’, ginger, as we used its root, is a widely cultivated spice with versatile medicinal benefits.

Numerous studies have been conducted to know the medicinal benefits of ginger of over 100 health conditions. It has a long history of use, and with an authentication to its numerous benefits, it remains a component of more than 50% of all traditional herbal remedies.
From our everyday ailments like migrations, stomach issues, arthritis, joint pain and cold and cough- are well treated by consuming ginger-wither cooked or raw.  Digestive problems are well addressed with wonder spice and so is inflammation

One can also use the fresh ginger juice on their skin to treat burns and rashes.  Extracted from a fresh ginger, the juice also applied to the skin to prevent insect bites. Also In foods and beverages, ginger is used as a flavoring agent. In manufacturing, it is used as for fragrance in soaps and cosmetics. One of the chemicals in ginger is also used as an ingredient in laxative, anti-gas, and antacid medications, specialists say.

Used extensively in Ayurvedic medicines, recent researches been looking to ginger as a probable remedy for tumors. With its magical properties, ginger solution can kill cancer cells too.

Consuming with lemon tea, mixed with tulsi leaves is a good method to get rid of cold and cough. Mixed with honey and warm water also does the same. Consuming this concoction everyday in empty stomach works effectively against asthma too. Treating cancer with ginger is well tested. Ovarian cancer prevention and reducing the chances of colon cancer- ginger fights with its anti viral properties. 


Monday 18 April 2016

Re-invent the benefits of pulses with Yogi Herbals

Pulses, also known as legumes are edible seeds of plants either consumed dried, boiled or roasted. Whatever the formation of consumption is, pulses are recommended a healthy food option to keep weight in control, reduce fat count and have a vegetarian tongue. People with problematic system also can consume pulses, commonly known as Daal in India. Today, Yogi Herbals presents to you various benefits of legumes that are high in protein, calorie and vitamin B.

Pulses with vegetables are a healthy meal. Filled with minerals and all the goodness of green herbs, a bowl full of sabji-daal is a delicious and healthy meal altogether.

Soaking pulses in water and consuming the sprouted pods increases Vitamin C count. Vitamin C is a good supplement and increases normal growth and development.

Pulses are gluten free and can be eaten by people with celiac disease. Pulses are a great alternative to wheat-based products. They add starch, fiber, protein, and many vitamins and minerals that may be lacking from a gluten-free diet.

Pulses can be eaten every day.  If you do not eat pulses often, start adding them to your diet gradually.
So discover a new ways of consuming pulses. You can add it with salad, meat, soups and snacks and include in the family diet. Use pulses as an alternative of animal protein. These easy to digest food option are handy, carry it to office, or have as afternoon snacks in the home- benefits are significant.

The Ayurvedic Benefits Of Amla

Amla is the Hindi word for a fruit tree Emblica officinalis or Phyllanthus emblica that grows throughout India and bears sour-tasting gooseberry-like fruits. It is also known by the Sanskrit name  Amalaki. Other Sanskrit nicknames for Amla—names meaning ‘mother,’ ‘nurse,’ and ‘immortality’—are a testament to the healing capacity of its fruits. Amla has been used in Ayurveda and other Asian medicinal practices for thousands of years. EXIN Yogi Herbals brings for you the Ayurvedic benefits of Amla.
Amla is one of the three fruits that are contained in Triphala and it is the main ingredient in the nutritive jam in Chyavanprash. Amla contains a very high concentration of vitamin C, one of the highest known in the plant kingdom—twenty times that of an orange. It is the richest natural source of vitamin C available on this planet. More importantly, the vitamin C contained in the Amla fruit is stabilized by the presence of tannins, which help it to maintain its vitamin content even through processing. The nutritional facts of Amla include bioflavonoids, flavones, polyphenols and carotenoids. The unique thing about Amalaki fruit is the ascorbic acid found is nearly indestructible even by burning or drying it. It is also required for the collagen and carnitine synthesis, important molecules that produce energy from the fat cells whenever required.
Amla helps to promote healthy eyes, hair, nails, and skin; strengthens the heart and respiratory system; improves reproductive health; balances digestive fire; among others. Amla also directly promotes detoxification with its rich antioxidant content.

So, as we see, with its smaller stature, it protects the entire human body.

Wednesday 6 April 2016

Walnuts: Remedy to All Age Issues

From our childhood we get to hear that health is wealth. So to maintain this wealth, we need to take well care, good maintenance and spend some time to develop its durability. At Yogi Herbals, we always tend to ascertain ways that is facilitative to healthy life. Today we will discuss about walnut- the wonder seed to keep all age issues at the bay

Experts say that it is proved that daily consumption of walnuts keeps human body from aging, or leading towards a healthy aging. It improves the blood cholesterol level and offers you a good   health.
A recent study showed that a regular intake of walnuts boost good cholesterol and limits obesity and bad cholesterol levels, especially among the elderly people. Though there’s a basic conception that walnut is consumed to regain weight, but the study found out that it has no adverse effects in our body by increasing weight.

Apart from that, walnuts are full with melatonin, a compound responsible for increasing blood levels, thereby increased amount of sleep. The nut is also a good food for the hairs. The biotin in walnuts helps strengthen hair and improves hair growth.

One can also keep heart disease and diabetes away by eating 3-5 walnuts daily. All types of nuts are associated with a lowered risk of diabetes and walnuts are no exception. According to a study, women who consumed 28 grams of walnuts twice a week were 24% less likely to develop type 2 diabetes. 

A natural glow in your skin, reducing chances of breast cancer, fighting stress is few more reasons why you should take walnut are a daily basis. Have walnut, live healthy and don’t forget to visit Yogi Herbals for more health updates.

Monday 4 April 2016

Basil – Ayurvedic’s Primal Tool

Basil or ‘Tulsi’ is an important symbol in the Hindu religious tradition and it is worshiped by Hindus at large. It is also used as a herbal remedy for a lot of common ailments in Ayurveda. EXIN Yogi Herbals brings for you the benefits of the holy basil.

Basil is used in both its fresh and dried forms.  It is used in Ayurveda to maintain and promote the long-term health of the respiratory tract. Basil tea can help clear ‘Shleshma’ from the lungs and the respiratory track. It is also used to settle stomach disorders and to enhance digestion. A mild natural sleep aid, basil enhances the quality of sleep. Oil of basil promotes mental clarity.
The leaves of ‘Tulsi’ are used as a nerve tonic and they also sharpen memory. They promote the removal of the catarrhal matter and phlegm from the bronchial tube. The leaves strengthen the stomach and induce copious perspiration. The seed of the plant are mucilaginous.

During the rainy season, when malaria and dengue fever are widely prevalent, taking basil leaves, boiled with tea, act as preventive measure against these diseases. Water boiled with basil leaves can be taken as drink in case of sore throat. This water can also be used to gargle.
Basil has strengthening effects on the kidney. In case of renal stone, the juice of basil leaves mixed with honey, if taken regularly, will help expel them via the urinary tract.
Chewing the leaves of the holy basil also help against ulcers and infections in mouth. The herb is a prophylactic or preventive and curative treatment for insect stings or bites. Basil juice is beneficial in the treatment of ringworms and skin diseases. Basil has a beneficial effect in cardiac diseases and the weakness resulting from them. It reduces the level of blood cholesterol.
Basil is used as a mouth wash for reducing tooth ache and bad breath. Its leaves, when dried in the sun and powdered, can be used for brushing teeth.
Basil is useful in eye care. One can be free from conjunctivitis, boils and many other problems of eyes (which are caused due to viral, bacterial or fungal infection) by washing eyes with water where few leaves of ‘Tulsi’ are soaked.

Basil leaves are regarded as an 'adaptogen' or anti-stress agent. It also helps in curing headache.
A holy basil plant grown at home is said to keep it free of ‘Garavisha’ — environmental toxins.